Under normal conditions in women with sexual arousal it is a secret, has a thick and transparent selections. If the lack of them, after the penetration of the penis into the vagina will bring discomfort for both partners. There are lubricants (fats), which are used in the problem of the dryness or lack of secretions vaginal.
The reasons because of which there is dryness:
- menopause;
- the period of recovery postpartum;
- the surgery;
- hormonal problems;
- stress and psycho-emotional;
- the lack of enthusiasm.
Type of lubricants.

Fats are divided by composition into three types:
- Silicone grease does not dry out during intercourse. Some of them have a warming effect, so that after application you may feel a slight burning sensation. A bottle that lasts a long time, due to the low flow. The cost is higher in comparison with analogues, are badly washed, it is not used in conjunction with latex products. Stains of silicone lubricants are not shown.
- Oleogels are used for the excitation of women and men. They stimulate the blood flow to the genitals. It is formed by natural oils – coconut, ria, cocoa, ylang-ylang, etc. This tool is an antiseptic local. It is not used with condoms.
- Lubricants water based is made up of natural substances. Used in conjunction with condoms. Suitable for vaginal and anal sex. Have a low price, easily removable. Dry quickly.
If you use sex toys be sure to use the lubrication. Suitable gels on silicone and water basis. Usually in the bottle indicates whether to use the tool with the toys or not.
They are also divided on the basis of the image:
- vaginal;
- anal;
- aromatic;
- continuing with the sexual act;
- birth control;
- anti-allergic;
- antiseptics.
When you select should pay attention to the brand. The preference for well-known brands.
The characteristics of each type
Gels for oral sex include flavorings and sweeteners. Are used if one of the partners has an aversion to a particular smell or taste of the genitals.
For anal sex use a lubricant special that protects from the injury. Its use is mandatory. Make it easier to slide, to relax the muscles of the anus, have effect antiseptic.
Antiviral lubricant to reduce the risk of infections. It is advisable to hire people with promiscuity, the frequent changes of partner or allergic to latex.
Stimulating gel for women to increase libido, enhance sensitivity during sexual intercourse, stimulate the blood flow to the genitals. Act directly on the nerve endings of the genitals. In men, it is used in erection problems.
The Gels, the lengthening of the sexual intercourse act due to the cooling of the component and subsequently to reduce the sensitivity.
Contraceptive gels may reduce the risk of pregnancy, because of the components that press the activity of sperm.
The use of lubricants:
- protection from trauma, friction;
- prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
- the diversity in sex.
How to choose the grease?

Stimulating lubricant for women are sold in pharmacies and sex shops. Lubrication there are different companies and types. Selecting them, you should pay attention to their ingredients, which should be natural and not affect the microflora.
The lubricant must be consistent with its intended use for anal intercourse and for oral sex it is different. Lovers of diversity in sex, it is better to buy several lubricants.
These funds have not lost their properties, they must be stored in accordance with the instructions, check the expiration date.
The acquisition must be made in shops, supermarkets or pharmacies, which are also valid in proven online stores. You can't buy them in kiosks and markets, etc.
Don't skimp on intimate products. This is the area to the rule of price = quality. The cheaper the product, the worse the quality.
Instructions for use
After the purchase of intimate gel should be familiar with the manual.
It takes a small amount applied on the contact area of the two partners.
If you are making use of barrier methods of contraception – condoms, the gel is applied. This ensures a strong penetration.
In case of intolerance of components, you should contact a doctor for advice.
After contact with the residues of these lubricants wash off with soap and water.