The quality of the vaginal discharge — an important indicator of the health of women, which allows to assess the presence or absence of these or other diseases. Modern medicine distinguishes between several types of secretions, some of which are the norm, and other symptoms of an infectious or inflammatory process. We consider one of a kind female lubricant vaginal.
The female lubrication

Natural mucus clear color, that occurs in the female sex, is the so-called fluid vaginal.
She has a very difficult composition: it is composed of cellular and liquid components, special mucus is produced by glands located in the epithelium of the vagina and the uterus; as well as leukocytes and certain types of microbes.
The last in the absence of pathologies and diseases are contained in the minimum number, but the infection their number grows, as well as the changing nature.
The fat is issued continuously, but when he woke up, the amount increases several times. In the first place, it is a lube natural that protects the vagina from mechanical damage during intercourse. In the second place, that contains a series of substances that protect the female body from the penetration of the infections.
During the excitation of the walls of the vagina rich runs the blood vessels to dilate and "sweat" for this reason, in the vagina, there are small drops of liquid. This is the lubricant natural.
For healthy women, vaginal lubrication — not too thick, a substrate which is transparent without any noticeable smell and color.
In some cases, the color can vary – for example, after intercourse, it becomes more dense and milky white.
The appearance of the fat and its consistency is not forced to leave the woman unattended: timely detection of changes allow you to quickly detect pathology in reproductive systems of the body.
As the sexual relationship affects the allocation of
On average, the moisture of the walls of the vagina begins to form after approximately 10-15 seconds later, he began a vigorous stimulation of erogenous zones or with a strong arousal psychological.
It serves as a way to transmit the signal that a woman is ready to join the penis of companion.
After the introduction of the lubricant, natural does not cease to be produced, on the contrary, its number rises. Maximum lubrication is given in the period of the orgasm. And later, a decrease of the excitation of the selection comes back.
Interestingly, only a lubricant, natural stands true sign of arousal female, you it is impossible to simulate, or to falsify.
So get the semen in the vagina can change the color of the selections. Thickness of vaginal lubrication white color is a characteristic consequence of sexual relations not protected. Therefore, unnecessary semen is expelled.
If you use a condom or the termination of the copulation allocation also becomes thick, but its texture becomes creamy, gaining viscosity.
If the download suddenly changed color or consistency to a sexual act or in the absence of the same – is sure to pass the inspection at the gynecologist.
Causes of poor vaginal lubrication education

If the body produces very little of the conventional lubricant, the results can variety: sex organs become more vulnerable to bacteria and germs, and the sexual act is accompanied by a strong discomfort.
Harmful lack of secretion of the woman and her partner sexual: in the case of excessive vaginal dryness can happen to breakage or damage to the frenulum of the penis.
That can lead to the decrease of the secretions?
- Hormonal and some other pharmaceutical preparations;
- Constantly in a stressful condition, the most sensitive and physical overload;
- Sexually transmitted diseases and infectious processes. In this case a woman should pay attention to what looks like vaginal fluid: what color it is, that has the smell of thick or liquid;
- Hormonal Imbalance;
- Diseases of the organs of the reproductive system and the urinary system;;
- Insufficient arousal prior to sex, disorders of desire;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Pathology of the nervous system;
- The period of lactation.
As you can see, a lot of reasons. In any case, it is impossible to self-medicate – always seek the support and advice of a gynecologist. Later full medical examination will be allowed for the correct diagnose pathology and to appoint effective treatment.
If a modest allocation of vaginal fluid are the specificities of the body in certain women, the partners are invited to apply unnatural lubricants that are sold in every pharmacy.
If regular grease is too heavy
For the greater part of the phenomenon causes disturbances in the psychological disposition of the woman may be ashamed of the strong discharge and for this reason to refuse sexual relations.
In addition, some ignorant men think high humidity in the woman's vagina unequivocal sign of the immorality of women, or even your infidelity.
In fact, the profusion of the discharge is a sign of the health of desire and a typical reaction of a state of alert.
To cope with the problem will help you in site of consultation sexologist or therapist, not a gynecologist.