Many ladies with time it becomes more difficult to achieve wake up and the reason for this can be stress, premenstrual syndrome, age-related changes in the body or the physical fatigue. There are many effective ways to get rid of this problem, but the most popular of them are aphrodisiacs, prepared at home from improvised. They are a good alternative to pharmacological products include only natural ingredients and are not the worst side of drugs.
How to make female stimulating: 5 best recipes
Alternative medicine has dozens of recipes of remedies that increase sexual desire in women. Some of them begin to act in a matter of minutes, while others lead to the desired result gradually. Below are five of the best stimulating elixirs, each of which does not require the purchase of expensive components and complicated cooking process.
Replace Shpunk flies
Shpunk fly is known all over the world in dust and with a stimulating effect, designed for girls and women who suffer from frigidity. In the composition includes a potent substance cantharidin. It is extracted from small insects, in whose honor was named to this drug.
cantharidin is rapidly absorbed through the mucosa of the stomach and will take effect after 10 minutes. He is the cause of the irritation of the receptors of the reproductive system, which in turn caused by the sudden influx of blood to the organs pelvic. This increases the hypersensitivity of the vaginal walls, and also instantly increases the sexual desire.
A good feature of the drug Shpunk fly was the fact that he has no taste or smell. It gives men the opportunity to sneak in quietly to his partner, if she does not notice the appearing problems in the relationship and refuses to voluntary use of all the agents.
This tool is very expensive, but can be done independently. This should follow a step-by-step actions:
- search of errors;
- supply of raw materials;
- the preparation stimulating of liquid.
Search of raw materials
Shpunk ash is a small insect, with green spaces in the wings to reveal two large wings. Can be found in all the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The habitat of bugs from steel plants, which belong to the family of the olives and the honeysuckle (elderberry, guelder rose, Jasmine, lilac).
That mainly live in the lilac, so that for the obtaining of the raw materials will have to inspect several bushes, and gather a couple dozen of these insects. Next, spread on metal baking sheet and keep it in the oven for about 10 minutes. Most importantly, do not overdry.
After the bugs have dried, they go into the mill and ground. Shop finishing powder away from the direct light of the sun.
Recipe of the pathogen
To make this powerful exciter for women with their own hands, you need to take:
- 100 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol in water (1 to 3);
- dust Shpunk at the tip of a knife;
- 10 gr. of ground root of ginseng.

All the ingredients are mixed, pour it into a small container (suitable clean bottle any medicine, preferably with a spout) and worth a few days. Prepared liquid add 2 drops in the tea, wine or juice 15 minutes before of sex.
Use of the powder in pure form or drip exciter for the language, don't mix it with any beverage is strictly forbidden! cantharidin in large doses can cause serious intoxications. The maximum daily amount of dyeing Shpunk – 6 drops.
Honey drink with dried fruits
The honey is a useful product for the human body, but if you combine them with nuts, it is possible to obtain an effective mixture of aphrodisiac that can ignite the spark in even the most passive of the women. In addition to the honey drink, not only increases libido but also helps in getting rid of many diseases and also prevent viral infections.
Recipe of the exciting drink includes the following components:
- raisins – 1 tablespoon;
- pear – a couple of fruits;
- prunes – 3-4 pieces;
- some dates, that are struggling.
These dried fruits are ground in a blender, pour it in the pot, pour a Cup of water and cook for 5 minutes. After the specified time the finished drink is poured, and then add two tablespoons of honey.
Drink honey exciter needed 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. In the absence of sexual desire that should be consumed each day for several weeks.
This method of quick action is contraindicated for people suffering from:
- diabetes;
- obesity;
- allergies to components of the beverage;
- arrhythmia.
In addition, during pregnancy it is necessary to control the amount of honey, future mothers that it is not recommended to drink more than one glass of this drink a day.
Herbs to increase libido.
A decoction of the medicinal plants do not belong to the group of fast exciters. Helps normalize the reproductive system female and get rid of the reasons, which led to the weakening of the libido. The Regular intake of this medication improves mood, heightens interest in sex, and also will allow you to obtain new sensations from the process of intercourse.
For the preparation of herbal decoction you need to buy at the pharmacy:
- Pink Rhodiola;
- ginseng;
- red root;
- schisandra;
- mint;
- eleutherococcus;
- the echinacea.

These herbs are very cheap but their effectiveness is can replace a number of expensive drugs for the treatment of frigidity.
To make a herbal decoction should take a teaspoon of each herb and pour in the litre of water. In addition, the medicine to boil in low heat for about 15 minutes, then poured, cooled and drunk on 150 ml twice a day with an empty stomach.
Result of the use of decoction of herbs will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks. To speed up the healing process this method is recommended to combine with healthy food or tablets, for example, with female Viagra.
Pepper aphrodisiac with your own hands
Another good grandmother's recipe was the preparation of a high-speed elixir, a few drops of which are able to a few minutes in exchange of the woman in the bed beyond recognition. In was composed of ingredients that are in the house almost every person:
- chilli-half of the pod;
- dry mustard – 5 oz.;
- chicken egg – 1 PC.;
- the juice of a lemon (citric acid in this case does not fit);
- tomato paste or juice – one tablespoon.
All the products are mixed, and the resulting agent is to add 2-3 drops in any drink 15 minutes before the intimacy. Before use, they have to guarantee the freshness of the chicken egg. If the product is of poor quality, then the women in the crucial moment there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract:
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- pain in the abdomen.
Pepper elixir has a strong, but short-term effect. He quickly causes a rush of sexual excitement, but after 20 minutes, it starts to slowly weaken. Therefore, the time for foreplay is desirable to reduce to a minimum.
Tincture of the root Dioscoreans
Dioscoreans (wild Yam) is a weed that is a natural phytoprogestron. Medicine from the root of this herb helps to normalize hormones, improves mood, stimulates the production of lubrication natural in women and alleviates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Chemical composition Dioscoreans includes:
- saponins;
- chrome;
- selenium;
- dioscine;
- starch;
- rhamnose.
This set of useful things to help get rid of the depression, relieves emotional stress, which in turn helps the woman to relax and feel welcome.
To prepare the tincture must take:
- 150 gr. the ground Yam root;
- 10 gr. ginger powder;
- 4-5 leaves of lemon balm.
All the components are filled with 500 ml of good quality vodka and placed in a cool dark place for a few days. On the point of infusion is taken two teaspoon of half an hour before sex, along with a small amount of food. If necessary, the dose can be increased up to three spoons, but it is worth remembering that the overdose, it is full of sharp jumps of pressure, edema, and nausea.
Erotic cooking
Delicious foods-aphrodisiacs – the easy way the heart of any woman. Properly selected ingredients allow you to instantly return to his beloved, the sensuality, the improvement of the libido and also to solve many problems of intimate.
Wild rice with seafood
Cooked rice combined with seafood refers to main dishes. This is not a high-calorie food, so that the figure of the fair sex from him will not suffer.
The recipe includes:
- Full cup of wild rice;
- two tablespoons of lemon juice;
- olive oil;
- 10 medium prawns peeled;
- a clove of garlic;
- 100 gr. algae;
- pepper, salt, and other spices to taste.
Rice carefully disassembled, cleaned of debris and rinsed several times. Then switch to the frying pan and pour two cups of water. The kitchen should be on a low heat for about 10 minutes. Then, the water will reduce the fire in the stove down to the minimum, and the pot of rice is left another 10 minutes.
While corn grits are ready, you should pre-heat the frying pan with the olive oil and fry the garlic along with shrimp. At the end joins the juice of the lemon and add the spices. Rice with seafood
Cooked rice is mixed with garlic and the prawns and put in a small dish, and at the top of the same is established algae. The woman with the mouth do not smell of garlic at the end of the meal, should drink milk.
Salad Goddess of love
This dish is the best way for a short period of time to strengthen libido and to saturate the body with useful substances. To prepare the salad, the Goddess of love needs:
- 1 orange;
- 1 avocado, ripe;
- 4-5 pitted dates;
- a handful of raisins;
- two tablespoons of pine nuts or hazelnuts;
- a medium banana;
- Green apple;
- low-fat yogurt to fill.
All the components are cleaned, cut into small dice, he lifted and shifted to the plate. From the top you can sprinkle sesame seeds or poppy seeds.
The salad goes well with a cocktail of the banana or tea with ginger. If desired, you can add strawberries, cherries or peaches.
Shake chocolate
For many years among scientists, the debate continues about whether the chocolate helps to strengthen sexual desire in women. However, in spite of the fact that they still have not arrived to the common opinion, this food is an attribute essential to any romantic evening.
The doctors say that if every day to eat 50 grams. chocolate of the day, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease by 30%! But it is worth remembering that it is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.
In addition to the positive impact on female libido, chocolate:
- prevents the development of inflammatory processes in organs of genitourinary system;
- increases physical stamina;
- reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
- improves mood;
- alleviates depression.

This contributes to a large number of nutrients included in its composition:
- antioxidants;
- vitamins a, b, C, D, E;
- phosphorus;
- sodium;
- fluorine;
- potassium.
To increase the excitement that you can eat 100-150 grams. chocolate for half an hour before the sex, but to shorten the waiting time, it is best to make a cocktail.
The composition of the drink includes the following ingredients:
- ½ Cup of low-fat milk;
- half of the tiles of black chocolate without charges;
- a pinch of cinnamon powder;
- some raisins;
- a tablespoon of orange juice to taste.
All the listed components are mixed in a blender and drink immediately after preparation. To increase the effectiveness of the beverage is recommended to drink after eating the fruit salad-aphrodisiacs.