And that is surprising, almost nothing has changed since ancient times, and we have corrected the Ancient Vedas, which have been proposed to increase the Woman's Strength these available means...

Rely on them!
Classes that increase women's Power
1. Massage. The Vedas claim that the body of the woman is very grateful to the touch. You must stretch, disperse the energy, otherwise it will put pressure on the woman from the inside, causing diseases.
2. A marriage friends. If you want to get married, take a little of the Energy of the family. This is a very valuable and noble energy. Many refuse meetings with married friends — and very wrong. To save energy, if it is possible.
3. Nails. And men in accordance with the above — transforms the manicure female hands, they want to kiss. And it is also believed that the energy of prosperity and the beauty comes together with a red lacquered.
4. The connection with other women. Without the mutual exchange of energy is strengthening its. The man needs the silence to become aware of yourself. A woman to a better understanding of their feelings and states of anxiety, only in contact with its own kind.
5. Long conversation. Of course, men consider it to be a waste of time. But without this increase of energy, the accumulation of words and thoughts will go straight to the man. And hurts all two.
6. Walk. A woman just has to get out. the connection with nature and the world around us will only strengthen the position of keeper of the home.
7. Meditation. Any relaxing practice to help women to regain their strength. Most useful meditation before sleep and in the nature.
8. The dance. Any variation of this leisure will enhance sexuality and female identity. Note of the dance Arabic and Latin.
9. Hair. Styling, change of style is not only to raise the mood. Ancient India gives women a great hair role. It is a reflection of the thoughts and the internal state.
10. Books. Read about the lives of other people — to better understand your. Read stories about the lives of other people.
11. Planning. Any of incompleteness, omissions and doubts harm to the woman. As paradoxical as it may seem, but a clear plan is a sure way to help keep your energy up. Even the small things! Start with them and then go for months and years to come.
12. Service picnic. Make sure to bring friends! Here, the energy will be restored on several levels.
13. The club of young mothers. The exchange of experiences and the exchange of energy. Because the Moon is the patron saint for mothers, and their energy is exclusively female.
14. Romantic movies. No need to explain. Call a friend to visit!
15. Clothing. Not only beautiful cocktail dresses, but also at home! Don't forget about the clothes.
16. The feeding of birds or animals. Very simple way to boost your energy. Feeder for the birds. The purchase of a home in the Canary islands, which, by the way, helps the family to happiness.
17. The photos. Never hesitate to enjoy and celebrate good photos!
18. Sexual selectivity. Several members condemned it to destruction. Store loyalty. After all, in order to impress a man requires a lot of energy, and that should not happen prematurely to sex.
19. Praise. Both themselves and other women. Sincerely kind word, will make you stronger. If you are not able to say something nice, try to solve this problem. The rejection of the other women is one of the complications in his own life.
20. Tenderness. Caress will help to know and understand.
21. Attention and surprises for no reason. Cards, flowers, candy... a Woman has to give. Giving is getting full.
22. Dignity. According to the Vedas, which are the most delicious that can be created by the author. Be aware of your charm and beautiful characteristics.
23. Music. Listen to music every day. Meditative, classical, just whatever you want. Make it a habit to include music, for example, in the morning a Cup of herbal drink. Will be very good if it is sound mantra.
24. Bath with rose petals, oils. This is not an indulgence but a necessity! To give a bit of your body, That surprise by their own lights and a great mood.

25. The voice of the lessons. Singing cleanses the chakra of the throat, and we don't want to swear, blame the men. In Sparta in ancient times, one of praise for a woman was: "she is like a song."
26. A visit to the psychologist. But always women! A wise, experienced woman can help to look at the situation differently, to understand it. Wisdom is passed from older women. For this reason, it is useful to communicate with their own grandmothers, great-grandmothers.
27. Yoga. The practice of yoga calms the mind and gives strength. It is convenient for participating women, and married. Male coach teaches only loading the body of energy to share, you can not, only because it is male.
28. The care of the plants. A small garden house or garden — an additional way to stock up on feminine energy. The flowering, the growth is a reflection of the female energy.
29. Help. The Board any help or assistance. Learn to abandon the principle of "I", because this is a typical male principle.
30. Request for help from the men. Any caring makes us more feminine. Perform an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry the bag. The mood will rise to 100%!
31. Separation with someone duties at home. Courage confidence some business friends.
The house is not just an apartment in which we live. The women there is a powerful energy connection. Therefore, we are so annoying squeaky door or a leaky faucet. For women not only errors, through these "holes" follows the female energy.
But only in the small things sometimes matter a man not to be disturbed. Why? Man thinks big: "you will be useless all the tile in the bathroom, the new testament. That ten times to lubricate the walls!". Sometimes it is easier to hire someone who will fix minor bugs. Don't forget to tell your husband, that he did, knowing that he is very busy, and not because their hands do not grow out of place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
32. Festive lunch or dinner with candles, beautiful tablecloths and fine dining. It turns out that all that we are doing even more for me, but, and I want to raise the tone of a loved one. Bring these magic moments of life. Raduyte yourself and loved ones
33. The performance of the lessons. The woman lives in a world of emotions. Playing different roles on the stage, you can not only understand yourself better but also get rid of the accumulated aggression or share the joy.
34. Make-up and cleaning. This is not the way to please a man, but, in the first place, bringing joy to myself. Therefore, while at home it is important to do hair, wear clothes and look good.
35. Skirts, dresses. The clothes how to restore the connection with the energy of nature by the female line. There is a rule not to wear the pants in the first of 7 (!) Dating in this case, if you want to really impress a man. It is established that the constant wearing of trousers has a negative impact on the bodies of women.
36. Taking care of children. Do not refuse to help a married friend to play as a child. Any manifestation of concern for women is the way to Power. The most important thing — not to be treated like a son of man.
37. The learning of a new culture. Contributes to the expansion of the vision of the world and allows the woman not to penetrate into their inner world. The feminine energy seeks to expand, there is no need to reduce it artificially.
38. Exercise. If you feel fatigue, start to learn a new sport. It can be not only a new type of physical condition, but simply a morning jog. Very useful dance. A good way to recover.
39. Demolition of debris. Old stuff, junk and trash weaken the power of women. If life came a difficult period — it is time to clean up the mess.
40. Poetry. Reading poetry helps to reveal romantic side of the "I". Feel free to write their poems. Beautiful style taught to speak well and to think correctly.
41. The visit to the Museum or exhibition. All beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
42. Daily. Daily record your thoughts, desires, goals. Can't paste it to the agenda of the image or draw it yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important that you want to record. Accumulation of the energy of the emotions in the woman, after being forced to throw it to the man, which in itself is not very good. In addition, I contributed to the analysis.
43. The definition of desire. Specify for a same desire: what you really want, especially in relationships.
And forget about "can". Can — is a prerogative of Men. The man says: I can win, I can bring it to a woman (or maybe not). When a woman starts to think much in the style of "I can", which becomes a man. Compare: "I want to look good. I want him to like you. I want to marry" and "I look good, I like him, I can marry."
44. Obedience. Conflicts of competence and other aspects of active behaviour model to reduce the level of energy. Try to be gentle and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of man it is very drainage of the woman.
45. The purity. Keep clean of your home, your body and your mind. Time to get out of the house. Does not accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest way to increase the energy to stand under the shower. The purity brings Power.
46. Decorative-applied art. Knitting, embroidery, modeling: what can you do with your hands raises your level of feminine energy.
47. The expression of love in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss favorite. Speak words of love to the world, the people, their things: the sun, the breeze of spring, rain and even the sadness, for she is his master. Any rejection and struggle makes the woman.
48. An adequate nutrition. Use products that have undergone less processing and closer to nature. Remember, that power gives the Apple, plucked in the garden? And some burger. The sensations are very different.

49. Left alone with yourself. Do not be afraid of those times when you're all alone. Did not marry out of loneliness. Use this time to focus on yourself. Nature has put a monthly period in which the woman must think only about themselves (menstruation).
50. Learn how to work with the energy of the moon. Wait outside, in the light of the moon, by the lunar rays of the sun, the water, and then add it to the bath. Please contact with Moon for women diseases.
51. Charity. It is a pure expression of feminine energy. If you can do something to help someone, do it.
52. Flavors. You should always be based on the aura of pleasant fragrance. The woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and fragrances option enhances female energy.
53. The preparation of rams. Working with colors makes the charge of the new forces, the renewal and flowering.
54. Loving speech. Learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy develops from a couple of tender words spoken by you. Abusive, obscene words reduce the power of women.
55. The sources of water. Rest on the river, lake, the sea is a great way to improve the level of your energy.
Water is the basis of a woman's sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adaptable to the circumstances or vice versa is fast.In ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite young priestesses necessarily taught to swim and interact with the water element.
56. The rejection of complex topics for reflection and negotiation. The woman helps to be frivolous and think about nothing. The role of the girl gives an invincible youth. Especially in this point, it is important for a business of the mother of god. Try to let it work and don't bring them in the house.