Few women know what can and should be normal vaginal discharge, and when discharge from the vagina to talk about the disease.

Vaginal discharge can vary in color (red, bloody, brown, gray, black, white, greenish, yellowish, pink), texture (jelly-like, cheesy, frothy) with smell and without smell. Vaginal discharge can be accompanied by other symptoms (itching, irritation, pain) or it may be the only symptom of the disease. In this article, we will describe the most common types of discharges vaginal and describe the methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are accompanied by secretions. Also, in this article, we are going to talk about the problem of vaginal discharge in pregnant women.
Healthy women have vaginal discharge consists of mucus produced by the glands of the cervix. A small but persistent vaginal discharge the vagina to help clear the tract genital of women and prevent the occurrence of the infection.
Normal vaginal discharge not abundant, mucous membranes, can be slightly turbid from the mixture of epithelial cells of the vagina, if during the day to use the same daily strip — allocation may become slightly yellowish. The nature and quantity of vaginal discharge depends on the day of the menstrual cycle: mid-cycle when you approach ovulation vaginal discharge becomes a similar consistency to the egg whites, the discharge is more abundant than usual, more alkaline. Increases the amount of vaginal discharge during the sexual arousal, especially during sex. Normal discharge does not cause discomfort, not to cause discomfort: itching, burning and irritation of the genital organs. If the PAP smear normal discharge, have increased the number of leukocytes and flora will be dominated by sticks.
The smell of fresh discharge from the vagina is virtually absent, with the smell of the discharge appears when it is propagated in bacteria.
- Transparent and elastic, slider, download, similar to the protein of an egg, the most abundant in the half of the cycle period before ovulation, this is normal.
- Creamy meager selection of the second half of the cycle is the norm.
- Creamy download — the last days of the cycle — the norm.
- Transparent, white or slightly yellowish, along with clots in the first hours after unprotected intercourse, when the sperm gets in the vagina is normal.
- Abundant liquid download white the morning after unprotected sex is the norm.
- Scant creamy white discharge after sex with condom or without ejaculation in the vagina — vaginal lubrication is normal.
- Scarlet red spotting, what is worse — the appearance of the menses, the first day is the norm.
- Highlight with blood red bloody streaks in the middle of the cycle (between periods) — occurs shortly after ovulation, mid-cycle — normal variant.
- Liquid bright white discharge, similar to the milk during the pregnancy, generally increases with the increase of period of the rule, if not irritate the external genitalia and do not have unpleasant odor.
Selection before menstruation
The flora and the secret of the vagina depends on the hormonal changes during the different phases of the cycle, so that the color and consistency of discharge can change before menstruation, the discharge may become more turbid, yellowish, or white and are more abundant (feeling of constant moisture), the more viscous. But while the maintenance of the discharge or after menstruation, especially if these symptoms joins itching of the vagina or abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor gynecologist.
Brown discharge before menstruation, that is a secretion mixed with blood. Bleeding normal can appear in a day or two before the start of heavy menstrual bleeding. If spotting is preceded by a month more than 2 days, or brown, pink, red-brown discharge appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle is likely to indicate the disease.
Brown discharge before menstruation can signal: hormonal disorders, the presence of any infections (especially in endometritis — inflammation of endometrium), diseases hematological nature. Very often, these phenomena accompany hyperplasia endometrial, endometrial polyps. In particular, brown discharge before menstruation in combination with other symptoms (pain with menstruation lasting longer than 7 days profuse bleeding with clots) are signs of endometriosis.
Brown discharge in mid cycle may be a sign of deficiency of progesterone and polycystic ovary syndrome, the condition of the cause of the infertility and require treatment. Too heavy bleeding during menstruation — you Need an ultrasound to evaluate the internal state of the genital organs. These bleeding can be symptoms of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, under the normal thickness of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and curettage (the procedure) may not be required. If the cause of bleeding from the hypertrophy (increase in thickness) of endometrium, polyps of the endometrium or cervix, the scraping should be done with care. This will stop the bleeding and allow histological examination to exclude more serious pathology.
Selection of diseases
Permanent, not changing during the cycle of selection, except during menstruation, what happens when a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, or suffer from infertility and do not have inflammation of the vagina.
- The spotting a few days before menstruation — cervical erosion, endocervicitis.
- The bleeding during pregnancy, detachment of the ovum or placenta, a threatened miscarriage.
- The spotting after intercourse — small fissures in the vagina, formed during intercourse, cervical erosion, cervicitis.
- After an abortion may be a slight spotting, various sizes and colors. After 1 week. Be sure to consult your gynecologist and do a control ultrasound scan.
- Mucus white or transparent mucus streaked with white at the end of the cycle, before menstruation — cervical erosion, cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix canal). The mucus somehow connected with the neck of the womb.
- White or curd like yogurt selection, the film of white color or plate between the large and small lips, the clitoris, usually in combination with bread or the milk, sour smell — thrush (candidiasis).
- White or slightly greenish, gray, peeling the films from the selection, usually in combination with the fish smell vaginal dysbiosis (gardnerellosis).
- Color yellowish or greenish, profuse discharge, acute bacterial infection of the vagina, acute adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), acute salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes).
- Small, yellow or greenish discharge — bacterial infection of the vagina, cervical erosion, chronic adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), chronic salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes).
- Download purulent green and thick, in combination with mucus, amplifying the tension, after defecation — purulent cervicitis.
- The allocation of large blood clots during menstruation — a tilted cervix, the coagulation of the blood tendency to thrombosis, deficiencies of vitamins of group b, the pathological process of the uterus (polyp, endometriosis, fibroids). Also, this download comes, if the woman is the intrauterine device.

Allocation during pregnancy
During pregnancy the vaginal discharge especially afraid of women. In fact, during pregnancy should be especially careful about the presence of secretions and to follow your nature.
Selection in the early stages of pregnancy. Vaginal discharge in early pregnancy, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, it may be more abundant than usual, this is normal, if the discharge continues to be transparent, have no smell and are not accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching or pain in the genital area. The appearance of vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy may indicate the spontaneous abortion and ectopic pregnancy. Purulent or whitish discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy may indicate the presence of infection.
White discharge during pregnancy is usually signs of thrush.
Spotting brown discharge during pregnancy is a very unfavourable symptom. This is a sign of threatened abortion. Other diseases and here. You can increase secretions in the days of the expected menstrual period, the color of the discharge can be yellowish in colour. Limit sexual activity in this period, to avoid the threat of abortion.
Allocation in the later stages of pregnancy. In the course of pregnancy in the later stages normal vaginal discharge can be more viscous and thick. Sudden spotting can indicate the onset of miscarriage or premature birth, therefore, immediately after the detection of should seek the help of a doctor. brown discharge during pregnancy can indicate bleeding from small blood vessels in the neck of the womb and also require a medical exam.
Download after part
Within a couple of weeks after the birth to the restoration of the mucosa at the uterine (endometrium), the young mother has saved genital discharge - vaginal. When it was finished? Towards the end of pregnancy, your uterus weighs about 1 kg. Immediately after the child is born and the placenta is reduced drastically, and lose about 250-300 ml of blood. This loss of blood is considered to be physiological, that is normal and not a danger to the life.
Appear, regardless of whether you gave birth naturally or by cesarean section. In general up to 10 days lochia spotting, later they become light and has a duration of 5-6 weeks. While the selection continues, doctors recommend that women wash after each visit to the toilet. For this reason, it is convenient to use a small plastic bottle of water. While continuing the selection, that washes off in the shower, not a bath. Bathe with 5-6 weeks after the examination by a gynecologist. However, if the uterus is too slow or too fast reduce the pollutants that can be broken. Sometimes there is a blockage of the uterus with blood clots and the inflammation begins.
Immediately contact your doctor:
- If you have every hour to completely soak the blood from the sanitary pad and has a duration of more than four hours;
- If the secretions smell;
- If you have a fever;
- If you feel feverish;
- If you feel constant pain in the lower part of the abdomen.
All these symptoms can be associated with obstruction of the neck of the uterus, blood clots and the worsening of the output. For the treatment, doctors prescribe tools that reduce the uterus and relieve the inflammation. If uterine infection develops, antibiotics are prescribed. In this case, you don't have to stop breastfeeding. Many antibiotics do not penetrate into the breast milk and harm the baby. Consult with the gynecologist and pediatrician. The pediatrician can give the child the biological products that protect the intestine from the action of antibiotics.
Vaginal discharge before and after sex
During sexual arousal the glands of the vestibule of the vagina in women start actively in the development of the so-called vaginal lubrication. Therefore, the presence of a liquid crystalline secretions immediately before sex or during sex is normal.
The appearance of a thick discharge (maybe with unpleasant odor) immediately after sex (or second day) may be related to the cleaning of the vagina the sperm (this is possible if the sexual act was completed, male orgasm and not a condom was used). Normally, this type of selection quick stop. The bleeding of the vagina during intercourse or immediately after it may indicate the presence of cervical erosion.
The appearance of white, yellow, gray, or green purulent discharge from the vagina a few days or weeks after sex may indicate the development of infection. If the mucus takes on a particular color, the smell, needed the help of a qualified specialist, because this trait speaks of the pathology of the organs pelvic. Smell can be a sign of a purulent process, but it has a yellowish-green discharge. This symptom is characteristic of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.
These diseases are transmitted through sexual practices or blood transfusions. 1-3 weeks after infection there are other symptoms: itching, burning sensation in the vagina, the urethra, pain during sexual intercourse. Contact bleeding (after sexual intercourse) can be due to a pathology cervical (detected by gynecological examination) or pathology of the uterus — polyps, hyperplasia, fibroids, etc. To clarify the reasons you need to do an ultrasound in different periods of the cycle may need diagnostic tests functional.