Does not excite?.. Tell me, what to eat, drink and spread that passion was boiling. The choice is difficult, individual consultation with a doctor is needed, but our review will help you choose the right tool.
Aphrodisiacs for men
Nutritional supplements and vitamins
There is a large selection of vitamins and supplements that promote arousal and improve male sexual function. Composition of stimulants may contain...

- Root extract of Korean red ginseng. Ginseng is an ancient herb that has properties to increase the excitement and resolve erection problems in men. The root of the network Korean ginseng is also available in the form of extract, in slabs, lollipops, tea.
- The Zinc is a high testosterone, a healthy prostate, nails without white spots. Zinc plays an important role in the control of most of the functions of the body. - Structures and regulates the function of the nervous system, immune and reproductive systems, improving the sexual health of men. Zinc deficiency in men signs of decreased sexual functions.
- Vitamin K. it enhances the function of enzymes in the testicles. Men who are taking vitamin K, have a high level of testosterone in the body.
- Magnesium. Helps to relax the nerves and muscles of the body and increase the levels of energy and strength. This increases the efficiency of enzymes and frees up inactive testosterone.
- Vitamins B2, B5 and B6. Combination of vitamins B2, B5 and B6 gives strength and energy. They help to convert food into energy, and stimulate the metabolism.
The solutions usually have no side effects, if you comply with the prescribed dosage. However, people with diseases such as diabetes, prostate, as well as some others, must exercise special care.
Oral drugs
One of the most famous men in the circles are the drugs that contain the substance sildenafil, which helps to restore the physiological response to sexual arousal. This substance is the most potent inhibitor, soft and relaxing the muscles and increases the blood flow in the penis.
As a great man of the pathogen-proven drugs based on tadalafil, the action of which relaxes smooth-muscle of the muscles, the partner receives a greater volume of blood that provides a long-lasting erection.
Known and drugs of new generation, who believe discoveries in the pharmaceutical industry. The funds are intended for the recovery of erectile function. The pills usually starts after taking 15-20 minutes, and sometimes before.

Aphrodisiacs for women
Creams, lubes and gels
These drugs increase the blood flow to the female, to increase the sensitivity and the acceleration of the excitation, as well as contribute to the production of lubrication natural. In general, the creams contain these types of herbs such as Damiana (Turnera diffusa and Turnera aphrodisiaca) is an aromatic flowering plant, endowed with aphrodisiac properties and Serenoa, saw Palmetto - one of the varieties of palm plants, that is to say, by dragging Serenoa, which have a warming and stimulating effect.
A special tool is applied to the intimate area. The action begins in just a few minutes after the application: there will be a sensation of warmth and tingling. On average, the effect has a duration of 45 minutes.
Oral drugs
The work of the majority of drugs is also based on the tide of blood flow to the vagina, that stimulates the release of fat. Effective for women agents drugs are on the basis of the Majka vesicatoria. It is based on the substance of the cantharis vesicatoria, which in short terms can bring a woman to the strong excitation. Similar effects have and drugs based on plants quebrachine.
Needless to say, that prior to the purchase of this exciting means need to consult a doctor? Of course! It is necessary to.