Erogenous Zones are points on the body, when you touch the which occurs of sexual arousal. These points are created by nature itself. If a partner does not do so with knowledge of the matter, the body begins to prepare for sexual intercourse. In the woman's body these points, much more than men. Many of these points we know practically nothing.
Evil touch of the erotic areas, that may cause the effect opposite to the expected.
15 main signs of sexual arousal of women
- the resolution of the conversation. when a woman reaches the highest point of sexual excitement, his voice growing quiet, which only respond to the questions, in addition, unequivocally "Yes" or "no", and then completely stops.
- redness of the face. as a result of the great rush of blood to the head, the face of the woman full of blood with the blood that explodes. this is especially noticeable in the burning of the cheeks.
- the breathing. it makes frequent and shallow, with occasional deep breaths. the woman does not get enough air, causing the nose to dilate, they begin to move and she starts to breathe through the mouth.
- the mouth and lips. given that the woman breathing mouth, which was ajar. dry lips, and this is the tip of the tongue to moisten them.
- dryness of the throat. throat in women also dry, so it is often hirundo difficile saliva to moisten it. sometimes to moisten the throat asks for a glass of water.
- the closed eyes. the woman focused only on men of the north, it receives the maximum satisfaction, since their eyes are closed.
- the sweating of the body. as a result of a man doing a woman's body (back, abdomen, thighs) occurs in the blood flow of superficial blood vessels, causing the woman's body sweats.
- shake and strain to the body. the body of a woman are at the top of the desire, strained, and in some areas, especially in the belly and the thighs, the shake frequent small shocks in the muscles.
- arms with periodic strong clenches. the woman impulsively hugs the man, periodically clutching hands some parts of your body, sometimes, driving your nails.
- swelling nipples. nipples women live and swell, become hard. although it is worth remembering that this can be a common during pregnancy.
- exit of the abdomen. excited woman with reflection of the pumping of the belly.
- clenching her thighs. the woman is no longer able to stand, and to provide one-stop, affects in the hips, therefore irritating the labia and clit.
- the direction of the strokes of the men in their genitals. great desire and impatience of women, for which the direct effect of the men in their genitals.
- the secretion of the vagina. at the entrance of the vagina that feels moisturizing, but in some women can feel even through her panties, they become wet in the vaginal area.
- the desire to touch the genitals of the man. the highest peak of the woman's desire is manifested in his desire to touch the genitals of men and begins to caress it.

Of course, not all women can at the same time be present all of these symptoms. but it is believed that if manifested by more than half, the woman is completely ready to have sex.