Intimate relationships are of great importance for men and for women. Are important for maintaining not only the physical health but also psychological.
Sometimes it happens that the person's physical or mental condition does not allow the woman to fully relax and be excited. This leads to an insufficient secretion of vaginal lubrication, and sex does not deliver enough pleasure for the associate, in addition, can be and pain. It is for these situations created a special female agents in the droplets.
What are the excitatory drop for women
A woman needs the drug to enhance libido? In some cases, take a fall, or another medium?
The woman's body is connected in a different way, it differs significantly from that of men. The representative of the stronger sex to get excited enough to see a naked woman.

But the woman in front of a complete initiation in the body goes through a series of processes:
- The process of arousal in the girl prepares the vagina for sex. To prevent pain during sex in the female genital organs, there are special lubrication. If the excitation did not occur in full force – this is likely to lead to pain, as well as increasing the likelihood of infection or injury during the process of sex.
- With insufficient arousal can help to reduce the chances of orgasm. Up to a certain point this is considered as abstinence, because if there is no orgasm does not occur the discharge of the body and not to decrease the tension that occurs during sexual relations. While the lack of peak pleasure can cause inflammation, which can result in more gynecological diseases.
- The process of arousal, and then sexual relations with a man has a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of the girl. Women who regularly live a life of intimate, more balanced and calm emotionally.
Drug for the excitation of the weaker sex can be used not only when the comes due the excitation, but also in some other cases. For example, when the lovers have no time for long preludes, and the desire not increase.
It is in this moment come to the aid of the drop, which increases the arousal of women. This medication not only helps increase libido in the crucial moment, but also provide variety and give a new feel to the two partners.
This fund should be taken, if the following indicators:
- The low level of sexual excitement, and the lack of lubrication natural.
- Poor blood circulation in the pelvic zone.
- If you have problems with the tone of the vagina.
- This symptom is frigidity, and also a persistent lack of orgasm.
- The lack of libido and desire for lovemaking.

If a woman had these symptoms, then, first of all, you should consult with your doctor. After all, you may need more in-depth intervention of specialists.
Attention! Buy female pathogen on the pharmacy! Agents for women are available in the form of drops, and other dosage forms!
The principle of operation drops
The action of any pathogen, including-the consideration is based on the fact that the components begin to operate, contributing to the development of women in vaginal lubrication. It helps to make the sexual act mild, pleasant and without complications.
Exciter for women quick action begins to show in ten minutes after ingestion.
A lady can detect the following processes, which show that the effect of the drug is in the active stage:
- heart palpitations;
- the breathing becomes frequent and excited;
- the blood vessels are dilated, it is possible to observe the appearance of blush;
- inflammation of the Breasts and the lips, and the clitoris.
The previous external manifestations, and they can see and recognize. But it can also occur and the internal processes, which are caused by the direct action of the pathogen in the organism of the woman.
As it increases the sexual desire, a woman can have many orgasms and will also be more active and confident in the bed.
On the basis of the answers from ladies who have used this tool, it can be concluded that the female pathogen drops, allow the girl feel relaxed and willing to experiment.
As has already been said, as a drop of girls can be bought in pharmacies. Based on the name of the components of the tool components, it is clear that the principle of operation of the high speed of the drops may be different. The pharmacist is able to suggest what type of pathogens are available. But a woman needs more to know what kind of aphrodisiac for her.
The effect of various agents, is the following:
- The drug can influence the blood circulation of the organs pelvic. Also due to powerful blood flow to the genitals, which is manifested as a strong overwhelming desire to make love.
- The tool has a positive effect on the allocation of lubrication naturally in the vagina, resulting in the initiation of nipples, genitals and increases sensitivity to touch men.
Drops for excitation easy to use. Do not need to develop a timetable for the reception. You can add to any liquid – juice, tea, water.
Packaging with drops is usually enough for one to ten receptions. What happens is that the tools of different manufacturers have the same structure – the differences are only in the package.

You can highlight some of the most common female agents:
- "shpanskaya band". This pathogen is considered to be the most common among women. The main active ingredient – kandraitin (this enzyme insects). This component is very toxic, so the dosage should be followed exactly as in the instruction. "shpanskaya Band" is considered to be very effective, since his action comes just five minutes after taking it. The price of a single package – about three hundred rubles.
- "Silver Fox". It is also the causative agent of the strong performance. Stimulating effect after eating it arrives in about twenty minutes, but lasts long enough. Single-use sachet of this drug is 300 rubles.
- "Female Viagra". This tool is of India. The comments about your most positive. Girls who have experienced it for yourself, keep in mind that after the decision feel a rush of blood to the genitals, intense vaginal. And during sex, increase pleasant feelings. Act begins on the expiration of twenty minutes after consumption. Suitable for young girls and ladies after fifty.
- "Horse pathogen". The main components of this drug actively influence on the Central nervous and the vegetative system of the person. Because of this, the woman quickly begins to experience arousal and attraction to the opposite sex.
Important! For each woman, the same agent can act in different ways. In one case, the effect will come quickly and the other, you need to wait a certain amount of time. On this basis, can be positive and negative reviews about the installation.
Contraindications and side effects
Stimulating drops have almost the same effect, therefore, the contraindications, the side effects are almost identical.
As the funds are active in the circulation process, the woman may experience redness in the face, or in other parts of the body. But this effect should not be afraid, do not last a long time and is considered quite normal in the excitement of the body.
In some cases, may experience symptoms such as dizziness or headaches. Synthetic substances accelerate the number of heart beats. But this kind of manifestations, can be avoided if the causative agent to choose correctly and strictly follow the dosage specified.
If a woman does not want to use synthetic means to stimulate the excitation, it is possible to use those which include natural ingredients. Active the action comes after them later, but these agents have a natural composition.
If we take into account the contraindications, these include:
- Pregnancy.
- Diseases of the heart.
- Myocardial infarction or a stroke.
- The high blood pressure.
- The inflammation of the genital organs.
A new generation of various pathogens each year produced by pharmaceutical companies and is the consumer. After all, even if the arousal in women of all rights, of new sexual experiences she can hardly refuse.
The women who buy these tools in the specialized shops or pharmacy, I do not regret about the sensations.
And he was encouraged to try something new in sex with a partner, this will give a new breath to the relationship.