The word goo; sounds like something unpleasant. But you can change it in the word moisturizing;. Know the popular expression: Here, the woman saw the man, and she immediately became wet between the legs. Yes, Yes, this is the mucosa normal the reaction to a stimulating object for women.;But without these secretions, the sexual relations, it would be similar to cutting the carrots in a grater.
Gentlemen are virgins, the first time that the sex shouldn't be afraid of the secretions of mucus in women when it is excited, that is to say, she likes you.
A small example of the life. It is very shy virgin, even at school age, in love with a girl from a parallel class. Went crazy, she wrote her anonymous love poems, but she in an emphasis did not notice.
I don't know even how to approach it, because they do not know what foundations need to explore sexually transmitted diseases. He, the madman, the relevant literature to read, and that all the books of the great poets of walking. The only thing that vaguely sense that there are sexually transmitted diseases, and there is something, then the drip of the entities.
It just so happens that the object of his desire seduced him. Somewhere, somehow, the match turned out to be. And here they are in their home, without parents, the fate of all. Kissing, tenderly, with trembling hands, he touched the lips and there is a normal female mucus during arousal. But it was instantly paralyzed kind of fear, gently, this girl is infected with a terrible disease, because the moisture in the panties, it was Oh-Oh! Poor man, it's five-thirty; and he ignominiously fled his goddess;.
Later, this non-lover, with a laugh, sad, Recalling this incident as he lost his first love. Well, time heals all later learned, married, generate a lot of children.
How and why the selection of women with emotion?

Vaginal fluid has a very complex composition, which produce the sex glands located in the vagina, the uterus and the epithelium vaginal. I don't think the mucus is released only during the excitation in small amounts in the vagina is always.
However, before the relationship and during the excitation of the body is thrown out the mucus several times more for sex was more comfortable, and it would be dry, causing discomfort for both partners.
Sa girl fluid, vaginal is a little thick and clear mucus, no noticeable smell and unnatural colors. Each woman the amount of moisture is different, it all depends on the degree of excitement and preparation for the copulation. An experienced partner will always understand how excited his lover, and will do any prelude to sex, not having had the dubious pleasure of running dry.
But copious lubrication in women under excitement sometimes cause problems of psychological of the two lovers, especially if the couple for the first time or for a short period of time was having sex. A man can assume that a lady is something wrong: or promiscuity, or problems with your health in the genital area. The girl may doubt or even deny the sex. In its opinion, such an abundance of moisture will push in a couple, and even, um, are very unpleasant sounds from the vagina for it during the sexual act as you know.
What color are the allocation of the rate and the real fears

As well, listing the following colours:
- colorless or slightly whitish hue;
- a rich white with a fluid dense;
- gray or even greenish;
- In the first case should not be afraid. Even the white discharge is the arousal of women is not a sign of illness, it is common Beli. They occur mainly in women who are in the period of ovulation is a sign of the time of the conception of the child. White Color can be lubrication during arousal, particularly when repeated coitus or post-coitus, with a condom.
- In the second case, if panties girls white cheesy discharge and outside of the vagina and the genitals looking inflamed, it is likely you have a fungal infection. This is not to say that she has a venereal disease and does not mean that it is untidy - it could be a reaction to antibiotics or any personal hygiene products. But the sex is desirable the use of the condom.
- Fluid in the excitement of the women of color grey with a tint of green can be dangerous for the couple. Not only the color speaks of danger, but the presence of a pungent smell, sorry, the fish rotten, lets me know that a girl is something that someone picked up;. Even if the girl is all so clean and tidy. With this lady mischief; necessarily affect the health.
Myths fans of movies for adults on emissions
Initially, I want to dispel the myth for fans of movies for adults, just porn. Sometimes in movies there are the episodes: here engaged couple, and sometimes more than one, the sex, and that is one of the women begins profuse discharge during the excitement, but as that fill the floor of the bed, and during orgasm in General, it is a whale leaves a powerful jet of fluid vaginal.
After seeing this movie in the Internet, there have been fierce debates: whether it is possible or not. Someone even knocks his ass to the chest that he, personally, was to see this, when you sleep with a partner. Absolute nonsense and a foolish courage.
Lightly wet the bed under her ass still does not go, but to spill a gallon, from the tip to the ears, and even with sources - this does not happen.
So advice to girls not to be ashamed, that somewhere out there under it was formed a small puddle: this is fine, simply because the body reacts to arousal, and lubrication took over. The men's advice not to be afraid and to not embarrass the girl: that will be silly.
But when bad lubrication, or really the lack of the same, have mercy on both of them, so it happens, especially Mature couples, when women reach menopause, and she's still Oh, how I would like! Well, in fact, there is, in sex-shops of special gels and lubricants, so go ahead and have a good sex!